Why Does My Cat Keep Throwing Up?

As cat owners, it is normal to worry about the health and well-being of our furry friends. Therefore, it is common for us to be concerned when our cats throw up. Cats throw up for various reasons, and when it happens a lot, it can be indicative of an underlying health condition. In this post, we will discuss the reasons why your cat keeps throwing up and what you can do to help manage this condition.


One of the common causes of vomiting in cats is hairballs. If your cat has long hair or sheds a lot, they can ingest hair during grooming, which can result in a hairball. To deal with hairballs, you can brush your cat regularly to reduce shedding and hair ingestion, and also provide them with hairball-prevention food or supplements.

Dietary Issues

Another possible reason why your cat may be throwing up is due to dietary issues. This could be because they are eating too quickly, eating something that does not agree with them, or have an underlying food intolerance. If you suspect that food is the issue, try switching your cat’s diet to see if the vomiting stops. Introduce new food gradually so that your cat can get used to it and monitor their reaction.

Medical Conditions

Several medical issues can cause your cat to vomit frequently. These include kidney disease, liver disease, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, and gastrointestinal disorders. While it is impossible to diagnose these conditions yourself, you can look out for symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and weight loss, and take your cat to the vet for further evaluations.

Stress and Anxiety

Cats are sensitive creatures and can become stressed or anxious for various reasons. Common triggers include a change in routine, a new environment, or the presence of other cats or animals. When cats are stressed or anxious, they may vomit as a response to their heightened emotions. To help your cat cope with stress, ensure they are in a calm environment, provide them with a comfortable routine, and give them toys and treats to distract them.

Foreign Body Ingestion

Sometimes, cats may ingest non-food items such as string, small toys, or plants. These objects can obstruct their digestive system and cause vomiting. If you suspect that your cat has ingested a foreign object, take them to the vet immediately.

It is vital to keep an eye on your cat’s health and behavior to catch any issues early. Vomiting in cats can be caused by a variety of factors, and it is crucial to understand the underlying cause to address the issue. Always consult your vet if you are unsure about your cat’s health, and never self-diagnose or self-medicate your cat. With proper care and attention, you can keep your cat healthy and happy for years to come.

For more information, contact a professional pet treatment center in your area.

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All About Vet Care for Small Animals Hello. My name is Whitney Thornson. Welcome to my website about veterinarian services for small animals. I have five rats and they are all incredible pets. They are always sweet and loving — and quiet to boot, but they do get sick a lot. So, that means we are constantly at the vet trying to help them stay healthy and in good spirits. Through the years, I have learned a whole lot about the vet care needed for rats and small animals. I decided to share that knowledge to help everyone prepare for the care their small animals need. Thanks for coming to visit my site.

